During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, business, education, and life in general has been changed dramatically. In order to flatten the curve, schools have closed down, and businesses deemed non-essential have tasked their employees with working from home. Although we’re very fortunate to live in a day and age when people have the ability to work from home, the transition can be tough, and there are bumps along the way. Many educators and businesses are turning to communication tools like Slack and Zoom, but Yac is a ground-breaking new application that’s helping people work remotely with ease as a result of Yac’s innovative platform.
So, what is Yac? It’s a voice messaging tool for remote teams, and it also provides people the ability to share their screen, provide voice feedback and create context around tasks. One of the founders, Jordan Walker, describes it as providing “all the beauty and context of a phone call plus more - on your own time.
When the team from Yac realized how many lives were being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, like many others, they wanted to figure out what they could do to help. And on March, 11th, they found their answer as their active users began to skyrocket. More and more people started to see how Yac is a solution for remote work and learning, and it provides easy use for anyone from tech-savvy employees to children learning from home.
“For us, we quickly realized a lot of people didn’t know how to work remotely, manage a remote team, or even have the setup to work remotely,”
“For us, we quickly realized a lot of people didn’t know how to work remotely, manage a remote team, or even have the setup to work remotely,” Jordan told us. But as they saw their traffic start to grow, they realized how many people were quickly learning to work remotely by using Yac. One of the first places they saw new applications of Yac being used was in schools.
“There’s one school where teachers are using the product to answer questions at the students’ pace,”
“There’s one school where teachers are using the product to answer questions at the students’ pace,” said Jordan. “The students will do a real time phone call for class, and then once the class is over, the students will use Yac to ask teachers questions. This is great as students can annotate documents or assignments they’re working on, and send it directly to the teacher.”
One of the best features of Yac is that you can easily set up groups and send messages to select people. This is unlike applications like Slack where a whole channel might be notified when only one or two people needed to receive the message. Yac also allows you to replay voice messages and control the speed of messages to ensure you receive the clarity and communication you need to perform your work as efficiently as possible. Jordan was telling us how one team in Mexico City reported almost 3x more productivity once they switched from Slack to Yac only.
“We originally started Yac to solve our own remote communication problems and we’re thankful we have the opportunity to help our community when they need it most,”

The three founders Jordan, Hunter and Justin decided to offer Yac for free to see if people were interested, and they absolutely were. Due to the large volume of new Yac users, they extended their free trial for three months, and they’re still trying to find more ways to help alleviate some stress during this pandemic. “We originally started Yac to solve our own remote communication problems and we’re thankful we have the opportunity to help our community when they need it most,” Jordan said, “There’s a lot of negativity going around about the virus, but several people have told us about moving out of expensive cities, finding new ways to connect with their team, and spending more time with their families. As far as we see it, this situation may end up having a net positive impact on people’s lives. A cleaner planet, people get more time back from commuting, more family time, and productivity skyrocketing all point towards generally happier and healthier people. Which may end up being the best thing we could ask for.”
"As far as we see it, this situation may end up having a net positive impact on people’s lives."
If you’re looking for a solution other than Zoom, Slack or other programs, join thousands of others and give Yac a try right now for free. Yac is available on both Apple and Android devices, and you can also use the desktop version. Yac is offering their PLUS plans to all users for free during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure that anyone and everyone is able to stay connected while staying safe. To get access to your free PLUS plan, you and your team can simply visit www.Yac.com to sign up.
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